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Ein Drama in drei Akten

Ein Drama in drei Akten

Wenn man einen Leithengst kastriert.
1.) Fürst Haraguse Kisagara aus der edlen Präfektur Hokkaido auf seinem prächtigen Roß Hotugawa. Besitzer von 3 Ländereien. Meister im Schwertkampf & Bogenschießen sowie Tanz der tausend Lotusblüten, erlegte den edlen Götterhirsch "Ren Shamisen-Sama". Mehrfach!!!

2.) Atomclash...tomclash.....clash.....lashhhhhh..... POW, BAUTZ, PJUIIII,I KAWUMM!!!! *britzel-britzel* *strahl* *grill* geh'n se dood???

3.) SATA-SAAAAAN! Mibi-CHAAAAAAN!! 🐼 Neko Neko Princess Megumi in Wonderland soooo kawaiiiiii :love::love::love:

KAWAII 🐺 KAWAII 🐺 Lotusmoon at Riveria X osamo X-Matahase Hentai-Rape-Highschoolgirl-Fuckfest-69!!! 🐥🦄

4.) .....un weide?
was zum fickenden fick??!
"Most disturbing, though, it the film’s message. Teenage girls are so full of love, that they must eat the older men who love them. Projecting this intense love onto the teenage girl is a tactic I have heard used by real-life pedophiles trying to explain their obsession with underage girls. It is not base lust, but an intense, overwhelming love of beautiful young things that drives them. It’s kind of disturbing to see this thinking put into a movie so unfettered or uncensored. In the film’s epilogue, It is said, in dialogue, that eventually the teen girl zombies will stop attacking people, take lovers, and breed a new master race. The script our puppeteer friend wrote becomes the new Bible, and the world is now populated by happy older men with loving zombie sex slaves. This is presented as halcyon, bright, and utopian. If given any amount of thought, this ending is really icky."

Stacy heißt der. Eine "Metapher" ;)
  • Thinking
Reaktionen: LoceroPocer


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